

Inner Melbourne Nordic Walking teaches the INWA 10 STEP TEACHING METHOD™ over 3 one-hour sessions taught on different days. We teach the skills of Nordic Walking sequentially, as there is a lot to learn.

Each session is different and there is a building of skills across the 3-session course. Where possible, the first and second classes are held close together, as this is when the critical foundational aspects of Nordic Walking are learnt.

Towards the end of the second class we will do a video analysis of your technique and highlight the aspects of the technique that you need to focus during your practice. You will be provided with the video and resources designed to assist you to become a proficient Nordic Walker.

Group Course

Group Courses require a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 6 participants to proceed.

Private, couples and self-made group lessons are also available on request


$150.00 + $50 refundable pole deposit (per person)

$130.00 + $50 refundable pole deposit (per person)

Poles can be ordered after the 1st lesson, and the $50 pole deposit can be refunded or deducted from the cost of the ordered poles.

In between the second and third lessons you will be provided with a set of loan poles, to practice with at home, so as to consolidate the foundation skills you have learnt.

The 3 X 1 hour course is for groups of 3 to 6 people who are moderately to very active and who don't have any major health or mobility problems.

The courses are held by the Maribyrnong River in Moonee Ponds.

Contact us and we will send you our monthly course schedule for locations, dates and times.


Session 1 – The Foundations

The steps that are covered in this session include:

  • gait
  • good walking posture
  • ideal arm-swing
  • how to hold/control the NW pole handles correctly/safely
  • how to maintain correct angle of pole behind body
  • "landing" / "planting" poles on the "sweet spot"

Session 2 – The Power of the Poles

The steps that are covered in this session include:

  • reviewing and refining foundation steps from Session 1
  • how to propel the body forward by pushing through the straps, fully engaging upper arm and back muscles (and unloading up to 10kg from lower back, hips, knees and ankles)
  • video analysis of your technique to help better understand aspects of the NW technique that you need to focus on to achieve mastery

Session 3 - Putting it all together – taking the next step

The steps that are covered in this session include:

  • learning the technique for fuller rear arm/pole extension and activating upper back muscles so important for good posture
  • improved heel/toe action & pushing off; engaging calf, hamstrings & gluteal muscles
  • leaning forward`
  • integrate movement of the upper and lower body
  • techniques for walking up and down hills and steps, so as to get the most out of the poles while protecting knees
  • learning to gear/speed up to increase cardio work,

After session 3 - What happens after you learn to NW with IMNW?

Inner Melbourne Nordic Walking is passionate about supporting the community of Nordic Walkers, to help them to stay active and get the most out of their Nordic Walking.
One of the joys and benefits of Nordic Walking is that it is wonderful activity to do with others – Nordic Walking in a group is great fun!
When you have completed the course and have your own Nordic Walking poles you will be invited to join our free weekly Nordic Walking group.
To make it easier to keep in touch, and to help people connect up and NW with others in their area, we've set up a private "Members-Only" FaceBook page called Inner Melbourne Nordic Walkers Connect. We hope that as well as connecting up with other Nordic Walkers, you will learn about the many wonderful and beautiful NWing locations in and around Melbourne. The FaceBook page will also make it easier for us to let everyone know if there are changes in our NW program, or new NWing events.